Bacon Wrapped Avocado Burger Bombs

3 pounds lean ground beef
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
5 avocados
8 ounce pepper jack cheese (roughly chopped)
25 strips bacon (thin cut)
1 cup BBQ sauce
Preheat a gas grill to medium heat (350F).
In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, seasoned salt, and black pepper.
Cut each avocado in half and remove the pit. Fill the center of each avocado with as much cheese as will fit, then put the two halves of each avocado back together to recreate a whole avocado. Gently peel (by hand) the avocado peel away from each avocado, leaving fully peeled whole avocados that are stuffed with cheese in the center.
Divide the seasoned ground beef into 5 equal portions and flatten each into a very large hamburger patty. Lay a avocado in the center of one of the patties and wrap the meat around it, completely encasing the avocado. Repeat with each avocado and beef patty.
Wrap 5 strips of bacon around each beef encased avocado. Make sure at least most of the meat is covered with bacon.
Place the stuffed avocados on the grill and cook over indirect heat on medium (350F) until the meat is cooked through (grill with the lid closed), turning over once during the grilling. This will take about 1 hour.
Brush all sides of the stuffed avocados generously with BBQ sauce and grill for another 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

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